New Form and List

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  • The existing Form and List classes have been renamed to ListLegacy and FormLegacy.
  • 2 new classes have been created List and Form.
  • For the moment both extend the legacy classes and offer a cleaner type safe constructor and showDisplayable and hideDisplayable methods.
  • The new classes Form and List can not be used with Display.setCurrent, if used an exception is thrown.
  • The methods showDisplayable and hideDisplayable do not affect the the Display.getCurrent state.

Sample usages of the new class

Form and List offer the same constructor and the same showDisplayable/hideDisplayable semantics.

Form as Overlay

public class MyOverlayForm extends Form {
    public MyOverlayForm() {
        super("MyTitle", VisualisationMode.DisplayAsOverlay
              .configAnimation(new AnimationParameters(AnimationParameters.AnimationType.ShiftFromTop)));

    public void showHideSample(){
        // Showing an overlay from top requires a displable and a top offset.
        final Displayable disp = null; // Some displayable used for the 0,0 of the top position.
        this.showDisplayable(new ShowAsOverlayTopParameter(disp, 20));

        // hide the thing again.
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